America's Health & Wellness ExpertTM
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist,
Exercise Physiologist Board
Certified in Lifestyle Medicine On-Air Talent, Author, and Journalist
Registered dietitian
nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and expert consultant in wellness and healthful living, Dr. Felicia Stoler,
DCN, MS, RDN, FACSM, FAND is the author of Living Skinny in Fat GenesTM: The Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Feel Great (Pegasus Books, 2011;
and host of TLC's Honey We're Killing The Kids!. Felicia is an expert in nutrition, fitness, and healthy living, operating her
own private practice in New Jersey. She
is a professional speaker, brand ambassador, and spokesperson.Counseling sessions are available in person or via email, phone, Facetime, and
Skype Felicia is also affilitated with several professional associations/organizations,
including: American College of
Sports Medicine Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics
Council for Physical Fitness and Sports True Health Initiative American
College of Lifestyle Medicine Ask the Expert! Contact Felicia for spokesperson, brand ambassador, consultant, and public speaking:
Phone: 732.946.4436 |
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